Dual Success Across Time Zones: Successfully Supported MHRA and FDA Inspections for Pharmacovigilance Services

Dual Success Across Time Zones - Successfully Supported MHRA and FDA Inspections for Pharmacovigilance Services

From April 30 to May 3, 2024, Lambda successfully managed the complexities of supporting dual client inspections conducted by the MHRA and FDA, for two different clients across different time zones.

MHRA and FDA Inspections for Pharmacovigilance Services:

Demonstrating our commitment to excellence and global reach, Lambda Therapeutic Research successfully supported simultaneous inspections by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for pharmacovigilance services. These inspections took place from April 30 to May 3, 2024, for two different clients. Lambda’s support spanned different time zones, ensuring seamless inspection across both the United Kingdom and Korea. Our teams demonstrated exceptional coordination and dedication, providing round-the-clock support.

Lambda’s unwavering commitment to quality and compliance was validated by the outcome of these inspections. Both MHRA and FDA PV inspections reported zero findings, a testament to our “Always Inspection Ready” approach. This achievement highlights our ability to consistently deliver high-quality pharmacovigilance services and maintain rigorous compliance standards across all operations.

These successful inspections reaffirm Lambda’s position as a trusted partner in the clinical research industry. Our ability to support clients globally, navigate regulatory complexities, and achieve zero findings reflects our dedication to excellence and expertise in pharmacovigilance. As a leading full-service global CRO, Lambda Therapeutic Research remains committed to providing comprehensive, top-tier clinical research services to the global pharmaceutical, biotech, and generic industries.
